Found this funny post via Casual Girl Gamer:
Top Ten Crummy Jobs that are Great Fun as Games. And she has a few points, namely about jobs like air traffic controller, bridge builder and hotel manager. Although I did love waitressing, a whole lot. Mainly because it paid my way through college. And I did grow up on a farm, so I can vouch for the horribleness that is that one.
While I was thinking about it, I thought I'd put together my top five jobs that I adore in-game, but would hate in real life:
1. Tailor. I'm often a tailor in the MMOs that I play. I like making things that I can wear in-game, and since I often play casters and healers, about all I can wear is cloth. Also, you can make bags in most games, and that's a good way to make money. You can tailor in games like WoW, Everquest2 and most other MMOs. However, in real life, I get tangled in fabric, I can't sew a straight line to save my life and I don't have the patience to darn a sock or tighten a loose button. So... next.
2. Race car driver. Okay, granted that I'm showing my girldom here, but the thought of driving a car around forever and forever in real life while trying not to run into trees, other cars or mud puddles. It doesn't help that in real life, I tend to hit everything that is anywhere on the screen and I fall off most cliffs. Destruction Derby 2 and Twisted Metal? I'll freaking pass.
3. Soldier. Again, I get that running around shooting things is great fun in games, but I have to admit that I don't want to do it in real life. Especially not in the name of God or Government. Fun soldier games are Fallout (you can even be a girl soldier, which is quite fun) and Modern Warfare 2.
4. Skinner. This is another career choice that I often make in MMos. The leather sells well, and I sometimes need it for tailoring stuff as well. In real life, I've watched people skin deer and rabbits and anything else. It's just icky and bloody and gory, and you have to do a lot of things with the hide before it becomes anything useable.
5. Chef. I like to cook, I really really do. But to cook huge amounts of food by rote for everyone and anyone, just so they can bitch about it being too dry? No. Thank. You. But I could cook in-game for hours, via places like Cafe World and the Sims 3.
And for an extra bonus:
Three In-Game Jobs That I Would Love in RL:
1. Healer. I actually did this in real life for a while -- on an ambulance -- and in may have been one of the best jobs I've ever had. I wouldn't want to do it forever (hence, why I'm not still there), but it was good while it lasted.
2. Leatherworker. I love leather. The way it smells, the way it feels, the things that can be made out of it. This is a job I would love, both in and out of game.
3. Bartending. It was dirty, stinky, smelly, trashy and full of people who kept putting their hands on me. And somehow I loved it anyway. Maybe it was all of the money in my pockets at the end of the night.
Good Gaming! M-J