Starting a new blog is always such a ... quiet thing. No one knows about you, the blog's still in its infantile-squealing stage, and you're all alone in a big-big blogger world, trying to make your way post by post into something full-grown, gorgeous and interesting. It's a long haul -- a lot like puberty, not that I remember much of it, thankfully -- and it can be a lonely lot.
Of course, that's why you beg your friends to come and hang around, just to make it look like there are people who love you and who are hanging on your every word. Of course, I have a limited supply of gamer friends, and all of them are either doing odd flying ERP things on Aion, waiting for their 3.3 patch to download in World of Warcraft or playing bass for Rambling Man on Rock Band. (Ahem, friends? This is for you to read and consider, whenever you get your little tailbones here to read and support me, six months from now. And no, being my backup healer in game does NOT count -- especially since you let me die!)
The life of a gamer can be lonely, even when you're surrounded by people. Thankfully, more and more geeks are coming out of the console and admitting what they do in their spare time. So until the rest of the world arrives, it's just me and you and
Steve-the-duck-4-evah. I'm in your debt forever (or at least until someone else shows up!).
Camp that corpse! M-J